Thursday, May 20, 2004

well so much for last week. i like said that i would want to take a break this week and guess what? i've played like 3 days out of 5. -.- so much for a break. 22nd or 24th there's a new pool hall opening so stayed tuned for that. then like next week promises to be a busy one but like as usual i'll be caught slacking off. besides i've got a competition that week. the first of many to come.

this one's at mambo2 on the 24th. and hopefully i get to make it to the next rd which will be at mambo1 on the 25th, which i have my ttsh appointments on and then follwed to go and get downgraded. :) haha..i really think its a waste of time to go for ptp (seriously)

anyways tmrw going for a birthday gathering. so like this week there was serena's (18th), westin's (19th) and alex's (21st). so for any party you should go to, this week or any week, remember this,

"Never be the first to arrive at a party or last to go home, and never, ever be both."

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