Saturday, May 15, 2004

anyways forgot to add to thursday's post,

after the movie, (i switched my fone to silent -- unlike certain others) i saw i had a msg. it said this "ARE YOU ANGRY WITH ME??" from a number that i've never seen before. comically i showed it to jos and then i proceeded to reply like this, "yes, i am. but first, who are you?" =D lol. obviously the person must have been fairly confused/embarassed so he/she/it told me that the msg was sent to a wrong number lol.

btw, soccer was great but like the sun was scorching..have ept tour later at gf. gonna just try to do my best. got a couple of things on my mind that i want to put aside when i play.

"99% of lawyers(liars) give the rest a bad name."

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