Tuesday, November 06, 2007


i've realised that its such a hassle to keep switching between two sets of blogs on two different systems.

i've now moved over to WORDPRESS

sometimes i just hate uni life

last week was indeed a killer one. 1 exam, 2 projects, 3 quizzes all rolled into one.

somehow i sense a conspiracy of letting everything accumulate and blow us all into pieces. its like snowball that just gets bigger as it approaches and plummetting you as you collide with it.

some things have been moving really fast, i'm glad but i'm afraid of spinning out of control and landing flat on my face. again.

why do i feel i've been done this path before?

on a lighter note:
today during math, the lecturer was going through partial derivatives and turning points etc. he came unto a sort of turning point called "saddle point". but being brit, somehow my friend, fx, didn't catch what he said and turned and asked me if it was saddle or subtle point. to illustrate to her what it was, i began rocking up and down on my chair as though it were a saddle. it hit home instantly.

unfortunately, it hit home with the backrow. who all burst all laughing. what was more hilarious to me was straight after the laughter, the rest of the class was looking in our direction, completely clueless.

sleep is for the weak, unfortunately, i'm weak.

Monday, November 05, 2007


its been a long time since i've blogged here. photography, jobs and school have kept me far too busy. when i do have time however, its been well-spent with walkabouts and shoots. i don't feel the inspiration to write and come hit me.

lately, i've been feeling a lil down. a project that went haywire, not getting my grades and feeling ever so lost and abandoning all hope.

when the going gets tough, the tough get going

how i wish i was tough enough to keep grinding through this life i have.

thanks to a certain friend who's been around, listening to me vent and emo -_- sorry you had to listen to all my crap =/

my portfolio is now up btw!

please support me! mucho gracias ~

:: shutterd pictures ::