Monday, January 29, 2007

first day of renovations

arghhss..ever spent the entire night packing?

well i did. and I never knew that I had that much junk in my room (well i did, but i refuse to acknowledge that it was my junk :p) 

anyways, my room is completely empty now, save for the windows.

and as they were hacking away the cupboards and desk, i was feeling a tad strange, like they were hacking at my childhood. heh. owells.

Friday, January 26, 2007

random selections

Just thot I post some of the better photos i've taken so far, let me know how i do :)

For more go to Chalk Pics !

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

been awhile huh?

first post in a long while, guess didn't really have much to say till now.

been out of sorts so far this year, lots of new happenings and thought-provoking incidents and well, guess things have changed quite a lot.

let's see where we go from here :)