Friday, December 26, 2003

still tired

went for my first session of occupational therapy (physiotherapy is for movement) and spent 2 hours doing some exercises invovlin dumb bells then power putty or plastercine and answering lots of questions from a jittery student-nurse whose supervisor was in attendance. then after that went to hit some balls and get some stroke back. then went to meet my mum to go shoppin for new year stuff hahah..and let me tell you that orchard is jammed up.

i dozed off before the bus reached orchard mrt's bus stop and when i woke up we hadn't really moved much from it. so i went back to sleep and when i woke up again we only moved abt 50m lol. this went on till the 4th time i woke up then the bus managed to move off. it was that badddd..

then i managed to get some stuff for myself heh in the process i think i burnt a big hole in my mum's wallet ;P spent slightly more than $200 on a pair of jeans, a pair of berms, a shirt and a polo tee ;) which is like well done cuz i hardly go shoppin and i hardly spend so much on clothes.

and yes i'm still tired ahhh tmrw still got soccer ahhh..! heh time to cook maggi mee cuz yes in our haste i didn't have the time to take dinner -__-

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