Monday, August 30, 2004

two funny things that need to happen after i rpess the "publish post" button

i would usually blog first then go ard my routine of checking other pple's blogs or forums..
but this is the first time i had to post..

grace: "if there's a procrastinator that's better than me i'll like to meet the person. my room's been really messy for 1 MTH already and i can't sleep and do my work well if it's messy can't do my work at all and so my tutorials are not done. got to sleep "

haha..that person should be me. i've procrasinated watching collateral ever since it came out and haven't caught it yet and...i've not packed (besides pushing my stuff into the only neat pile in my room) my room for nearly 8 years? procrasination all the way..

teh win!

btw check this out!

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