Thursday, February 01, 2007

4th day

4th day of renovations and i can't wait for things to get back to normal. pictures coming soon.

day 1 - removers

heh they basically cleared out the entire house. and my room which was full of trash. I kid you not. 7 black rubbish bags full of rubbish and not counting my bed, 2 set of shelves behind my bed, cupboard,  cabinet, desk and shelf on my desk.

so started the day with everything and rubbish, ended the day with just my window and mattresses.

day 2 - electricians

actually the most slack day so far, except for the power cut when they were doing the wiring, i had pretty much nothing to do.

day 3 - painters pt 1

was quite ok, gave my room and my mum's new colours. it was the after that i got so tired of. had to clean up and wipe down the places they were gonna paint.

day 4 - painters pt 2

finished up the rooms and toilets and started on the living room. must say i did think one of them is more skilled and the other sloppy. alot of areas to clean up -_- like what happened to the good idea of using masking tape so you wouldn't overpaint?

the main wall isn't done, put 2 coats of red but it didn't go very nice. looks set of a 3rd coat after the carpenters are done.

well so far its progressing fairly well. still a few kinks here and there to iron out. haha..i wonder what would happen on day 5 when we have to move the contents of the two rooms out into the living room, they are currently full of the stuff from the living room. and yes, the kitchens have more boxes than i ever remember seeing in my home.

next post will be pics and an exclusive on how i sleep in this mess heh.

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