Friday, July 15, 2005

this is one quirky look of the recent NKF debate

Warning: You are reading an extremely infantile blog.: NKF vs SPH Court Saga

heh cool link.


djend said...

Well, I'm sure that I'm not gonna garner any good views from the post I had, but you have to understand that, everyone has their viewpoints. I chose to take it from my viewpoint for the simple reason that the world isn't fair. So why play along to something that seems so indifferent?

I'm sorry if I had offended you in anyway, but I was just using MY viewpoint to look at it. Besides, no one ever understands why I chose it. So what the heck, if the world doesn't care, why the hell should I?

Still, apologies if in anyway offended.

joel said...

apologies accepted. i just hoped to show you another viewpoint and yeah we're all entitled to one, unique as we are.