Wednesday, July 06, 2005

going the distance... away.

sometimes, when someone does something, there's always some reason for it. It's just that as humans, caught up in our worlds and lives, that we stop caring enough and just point that accusing, or rather, un-understanding finger and judge that they are wrong.

Who gave you that right to judge? Does being rich/going to church more often/being smarter/being more sucessful give you that privilege? Say what you want, call me jealous, whatever. I'm just so sick and tired of living my life based on people's template, especially those who don't deserve to be followed.

If i'm truly in the wrong, show me what is the mistake. Show me that you are deserving of that respect, show me why i have to listen to you. Show me all of that before you try to tell me what's wrong with my life. It has been done before.

Lately, i've been stressed, emotionally and mentally. I've not felt this drained for some period of time. Hopefully, over the next few days and a short trip to KL, should solve that. Thank God for a chance to distance myself from all that is going on. Pray for journey mercies.

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