Wednesday, May 05, 2004

went to CGH for some tests and stuff to see if i qualify for some drug test. they're looking for fit, healthy Chinese guys between ages of 18-40 (all 4 grandparents and parents must be chinese) and they're paying like 500 so leave me a msg i'll pass along the email to you. anyways i didn' ecg wasn't too good..said sth abt some minor heart block so i don't qualify. sigh..haha..

saw the ugly side of singaporeans yet again (don't we all? =/) this guy was talkin on the fone to his mum/gf (prob the latter) and he was saying he's gonna do all the tests and stuff cuz its a free medical checkup and all that and even if he gets a place, he'll withdraw after that. Its like cheapskate la. not as if he doesn't have the cash and stuff, he looks well-to-do enough to me. *rolls eyes*

came all the way back to clementi to eat laksa and tan tiong boon (national player, galvin's coach) came up and said hi and chit-chatted a bit with me. haha..nice guy :) didn't know he stays at clementi too ^^ and even offered me a lift to ph which i had to turn down sadly cuz my cues are at home. haha..can't believe he actually recognised and acknowledged my presence :P like he = uber pro and i = uber noob. haha..well glad to see that even the greats are humble :)

"we could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in this world"

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