Tuesday, January 20, 2004

dad got discharged today :) :) :)
haha..quite happy now. thanks for your prayers and your well wishes. thank God for seeing my dad and family thru this trial and hope that iti'll be edifyin to the rest of you guys out there. and just to add, prayer really works :)

anyways on a more sour note, i got ticked off for recommendin some pool shops but not the others, "why?" you may ask, well simply put, the guy just thinks he's right.
i wrote,
"imho, shops i would run off to are

a) Qshop for variety
b) InitialEd for cue care
c) Mambo for accessories

the other shops have much fallen short of standards. (eg inflated prices, bad salesmanship etc etc)"
ivan wrote,
"The statement that you have made is very misleading and irresponsible, I can't help but refute you when I see this. Have you tried the others pool shops in singapore, how can you say that "the other shops have much fallen short of standards. (eg inflated prices, bad salesmanship etc etc)", when you haven't really try their services, What about UPE and Headspot Billards? These 2 pro shops are the benchmark in this industry in my opinon. Those new pool fanatics in this site may take what you state here as the 'gospel truth' and come off thinking that only these 3 shops here is worthy and the others are simply not of their standard. Why is simply not true. I may not be a good player but I have brought or services my cues and accesories at Mambo, Q-shop, Headspot and UPE . I would say that all have their pros and cons.. But till now, personally, my first choice has been Headspot Billards, for their competative pricing, remarkable services and extensive knowledge."

my question in my head is this, can't i recommend cue shops of MY choice? must i recommend the same cue shop that everyone else is recommending? and what if i dun go to UPE and HSB to have my cue serviced or buy stuff from there, must i recommend them too? must i kiss their ass along with everyone else in the forum? if so screw them, all a bunch of pple who know how to talk but just like NATO (No Action Talk Only), action speaks louder than words.

so i wrote back,
"i have NOT been to EVERY pool shop and compare but i've been most of those which have been recommended by this forum, however the feedback i get from pple who do go to certain of the shops also plays a huge part in the info i'm gettin.

realise i did not point out specifically which shops are bad for watever. also i specifically did not say that you MUST or can ONLY go to those shops i recommended. whats there to get so uptight abt? didn't the thread starter ask to recommend a few good shops..thats all i did.

reason why i made no mention of UPE and HSB are becuz 1) i dun go there often 2) i feel more comfortable at the other shops 3) simply put, price.

EVERY consumer has a right to go where he wishes. since the others have made mention of it am i suppose to include them cuz others said so and jump on the bandwagon even though i dun go there?"

so tell me what do you think?

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