Monday, September 12, 2005

eeeshh a pretty girl!

for all those in NS and in Singapore. yes, AHM was yesterday. felt i wasted my sunday morning on the padang/esplanade/sheares bridge, running when i could have been comfortably tucked in bed sleeping.

so okay no big deal, its all part of serving your nation. i mean like walking 6km shouldn't be a big problem..ha! then the problem arises when everyone ard you starts running. -_-" so you're being overtaken and finally you can't take it and then you run yourself!

ok knowing me and my schedule..i didn't train, nor do i run 6km on a regular basis sooooooooo i'm in trouble. alright the first 1 km was walking (there was hardly any space to run) then the next was spent zipping in and out of pple, the real running came after the turn towards the sheares bridge. somehow in the midst of my zipping-in and out, i ended up behind a pretty girl (who was running more steadily than me -___-") and after pacing her for a bit, overtook her. now usually the case is that after you overtake someone you USUALLY don't see them again on your run. but noooo, she caught up with me somewhere on the descent from the bridge and overtook me, so i was pacing her again and then overtook her and then it was like a you overtake-i chase thing all the way till the turn to padang.

yes and silly me thot once you turn into padang it'll all be over. so only after i turned into that stretch than saw "600M" i basically gave up. hahahaha..while she carried on running. and yeah the whole time i was huffing and panting and dragging myself thru, the way she ran was like effortless la. -_-" sickening.

owells. at the very least i got one day off. quite tired since i went to play soccer in the evening somemore. (sounds like i can go take ippt already) slept 12 hours and gonna cook breakfast soon :P